This is not insurance, show this discount card to your pharmacist to obtain savings on your prescription medications.
To compare medication pricing, please visit the TeleHealMe's Discount Card Partner Site .
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Our pharmacy savings card is accepted nationwide at over 35,000 pharmacies, including CVS, Target, Longs Drugs, Walmart, Kroger, Fry's, Harris Teeter, Walgreens, Duane Reade and many more. Simply bring your SaveOnRx card to the pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to process your prescription using the BIN and PCN number found on your card.
To look up a drug price or to see if your pharmacy accepts SaveonRx, search for your prescription at TeleHealMe's Discount Card Partner Site
We work with a series of partners to help identify Americans who could benefit from SaveOnRx's prescription savings. We believe all Americans should have access to the healthcare savings that SaveonRx provides, so we invite individuals nationwide.
SaveonRx's prescription benefit only covers prescription medications. Some over-the-counter drugs, such as Advil, have stronger forms that require a prescription, and that form may be covered.